Clean & Healthy Living at Hamilton House

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Maintaining the Highest Health Standards

In a post-COVID-19 world, sanitation is critical.

Hamilton House Senior Living is dedicated to your health and safety, which is why we have instituted new protocols, including advanced cleaning procedures, air purification systems, and medical-grade surface protectants.

Cleaner Air With Our Fresh Air System

Our community now features state-of-the-art air purification systems in all public areas. The Fresh Air System uses needlepoint bipolar ionization technology (NPBI) to significantly reduce airborne viruses, mold, mildew, and dust.

This technology has proven effective against human coronavirus, SARS, norovirus, and several influenza strains. Lab testing indicates that within 30 minutes, NPBI can reduce the number of COVID-19 and other viruses by at much as 99%.

Why Choose Us?

Hamilton House continuously plans and hosts a variety of events to help make your stay here unforgettable. Our schedule is always changing and adapting to fit you, and you have a say in what we do next!

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We help make your stay with us a truly customizable living experience. We can adapt to your needs so you stay comfortable while maintaining your independence.

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Our community is equipped with advanced technology to keep you healthy and safe. From air purification to medical-grade surface protectants, we take the necessary steps to protect you from illness and pollutants.

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Our Location

Where to Find Us

We are easy to find on North Wauwatosa Road, right behind the Redeemer Lutheran Church. Visit us today!

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Our Address

W76 N629, Wauwatosa Rd
Cedarburg, WI 53012

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Phone: 262-421-5551

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