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Category: Senior Living

Book Tour

10 Things To Do After Retirement

Retired couple enjoying kayaking together on a lake

Retirement marks a significant milestone, bringing newfound freedom and a world of opportunities to explore passions, hobbies, and activities that you may not have had time for during your working years. At Hamilton House Senior Living, we believe that retirement is just the beginning of a new and exciting chapter. We have a wide array […]

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7 Fun Outdoor Activities for Seniors

2 older adults holding hands while walking in a park

Many of the best outdoor activities for older adults are activities that cater to the adventurous spirit of every person, whether they live independently or enjoy the benefits of assisted living. The right activities will encourage strength, purpose, and belonging, reinforcing life’s most joyful experiences.  Here are just 7 fun outdoor activities we recommend for […]

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What to Look for in a Senior Living Community

A senior man with a cane smiles and laughs while sitting outside with a nurse and other seniors.

When moving into a senior living community, both the senior and their family can be affected. Choosing the right establishment rests on balancing practical factors like cost and location with comfort, care, and a sense of community. It can be a difficult process.  Thankfully, understanding important factors and common worries can make this life-changing decision […]

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